Issue 3 of Slice Magazine is out with a reprint of my Bathtub Mary story. I got my copy in the mail, stared at it for about an hour and then called my husband and got all weepy when I told him about it. The issue is fantastic. Great stories, and a fascinating interview with Salman Rushdie. I'm going to a junior high English class on Friday to talk about the story (they've been studying it this week). Neil was in town two weekends ago for a seminar and came up a day early so we could hang out. He and J had never met, and it was just so cool to get to hang out with my old college buddy and my … [Read more...]
100 Things – 31-35
I have a ton of stuff I want to tell you all about, but right now I'm tired and crabby and I can't quite get my brain around the things I want to say, so I'll just tell you more random things about myself.31. When I was younger, I wanted to be a mermaid when I grew up. I still can't say I'd turn down the opportunity now if it were to present itself.32. I hate it when people make anyway plural. It is not anyways. It just isn't. Stop it.33. I hate tissues. It's not even just about the fact that they aren't eco-friendly. Tissue lint makes me sneeze, and I hate the way tissues feel on my … [Read more...]
100 Things – 26 through 30
26. I get a little teary when I vote. I hold it together in the booth, but walking back out to my car, the enormity of what just happened usually gets to me. I registered the second I turned 18. No matter how many times I flick levers in that booth, it always feels like a very big deal. Probably because it is. I can't imagine living back in the day when women weren't allowed to vote. I still wear my "I Voted Today" sticker like it's a medal of honor, and stick it on my guitar case when election day is done. Through a glitch associated with changing my name when I moved and got married, I … [Read more...]
This, however, is something to put up with
# 24 - I wear the ugliest sweater known to man when I write. When I saw Wonder Boys for the first time and got to the part where Michael Douglas wears that raggedy pink chenille robe while he's writing, I almost died, because I do something very similar.I bought the ugliest sweater known to man used from a thrift shop that sold clothes by the pound when I was in college. It was my "smoking sweater." I bought it the sweater because I didn't want to get my winter coat all stinky when Lady and I smoked Swisher Sweets on the dorm balcony. We took turns spitting over the railing, and thought … [Read more...]
Something that’s been bugging me
While some of my blog friends are taking on serious political issues, like Beej talking smart about the banking crisis, or Howling Hill spreading the word about a Palin poll, I want to discuss something that's been bugging me for the past few days: Jessica Simpson's gas. Yeah, I know. I'm all about the hard hitting issues today. Since my other site, Allie's Answers, actually started as a column for the now defunct sister-site to I'm Not Obsessed, I feel that I can legitimately and unabashedly read INO on a regular basis. In case you don't use celebrity gossip as junk food for your mind, … [Read more...]
100 Things – 15 through 23
15. I've had The Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros stuck in my head almost continually since I first heard it a few months ago, but I still think it's freaking hysterical, and I'm not tired of it at all.16. October is my favorite month.17. The sound of leaves crunching underfoot is my favorite sound, and I don't think I could handle moving to an area that doesn't have real seasons, because I'd miss that sound too much. 18. Every fall I eat apples until my stomach hurts. I never learn my lesson.19. I studied classical voice for about 10 years. I'm not saying I was ever fantastic, but I didn't … [Read more...]
Back to School
On Monday, I went to speak at a lit class at my alma mater. They studied my short story and were even writing papers on it. I'd planned to get up early to pretty myself up. I was even going to break out the flat iron so instead of having weirdly curly hair, I'd be sporting a sleek bob, and I could feel all professional and whatnot. But while I was making coffee, J snuck into the shower, and by the time he was done, I had 30 minutes to get out the door. It's important in my getting ready time to always figure in ten minutes that completely disappear from time and space. Ten minutes gone … [Read more...]
#14 – I believe Northern Exposure to be the best written TV show ever
And if you don't, I'm going to seriously start doubting your sensibilities.Okay, not really. But come on? How can you not love Northern Exposure? The dialogue, the themes they so effortlessly work around, the understated genius of it all.I don't just watch Northern Exposure, I study it. I mean, I don't spend days in a dark room watching and taking notes, but when I watch it, I do pay attention to detail more than I would with another show. And every time I watch an episode, I notice something new. The episodes (at least until the final season) were so carefully constructed. You can draw … [Read more...]
I’m back + #13
I've been away for the past couple of weeks, on the left side of things. I'll catch you up my trip and all that fun stuff once I figure out how to get the 400+ pictures off of my iPhone, and shake this awful jet lag. In the meantime, I feel like I need to give you some back story on some of my friends so when we go forward, you'll know what I'm talking about. #13 - I Adore My Ladies In college, I met an amazing group of women. We all lived in the same dorm (it was the quiet study dorm, because we were all cool like that), and went to dinner together, skinny dipped in the quarry … [Read more...]
100 Things – 11 & 12
I've decided to do the 100 things list one or two at a time. Since I made it through 10 things about me a few weeks ago, I'll start at 11.Some will be long. Some will be short. And some will be just right.11. I wear mostly solid colors, and a lot of brown, which I got teased for a bit when I posted the above picture on Allie's Answers for a post on clotheslines.What's the deal with brown? I'm not entirely sure. I used to wear a lot of black, but I've mellowed, maybe? I was told when I was younger that I couldn't wear brown (because of my coloring), but I think I look good in it. It … [Read more...]