I would be completely and totally lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about the big event tonight. It’s my first book event, and there are all those, What if I trip/What if the strap on my dress breaks/What if weeping angel statue aliens descend on the bookstore and steal my life force? fears, (I’ve been watching a lot of Doctor Who, and that episode was TERRIFYING!*).
But, I’m also completely and totally excited and so thrilled to see people I haven’t seen in a very long time, and meet people I know from the internets in person for the very first time. And I’m also thrilled to meet new people who think it might be fun to show up to see some girl with messy hair read from a book with a big German Shepherd on the cover, because, if you think that way, I just automatically like you.
Okay, so I have to go make myself look more presentable than my usual yoga pants/writing sweater now, but I’ll leave you with lots of links. Thank you so much to everyone who has been supporting STAY. Every one of these links have made me smile and cry and feel so honored. I put myself out there, and you guys offered up so much kindness in return. I love you so much for it. Thank you!!!!!!
I’ll try to tweet a few pictures from the event.
Melissa Senate (You NEED to read THE SECRET OF JOY, by the way. It’s wonderful!)
Mindi Scott (Look for her novel, FREEFALL in October 2010!)
If you write about STAY please e-mail the link to me at info at allielarkinwrites dot com. And if I miss you, let me know! Oh, the book brain! :)
*Did you see it? Let’s discuss. Also, thoughts on the new Doctor?
Congratulations on publication! I love a good dog story.
Just read your original query letter that helped win you an agent on GuidetoLiteraryAgents.com. Just wanted to say congratulations on the book. It sounds great. I look forward to checking it out. Good luck in the future!
Who wouldn’t love this book? And a Shepherd, too. I’m looking forward to reading.
I loved your Query letter on GuidetoLiteraryAgents.com . Now if I could learn how to do that :)
Allie–So glad I got a chance to meet you tonight at your big event! You’re as sweet in person as you look in your picture (did you steal the big sign from the store to put up at home?). ;)
Can’t wait to dig into the book. Enjoy your tour!
Congratulations. STAY sounds fantastic. I’ll check it out!
Congratulations! I read your successful query over at GuidetoLiteraryAgents.com as well – Loved it!
Just read your query letter on the Guide to Literary Agents blog. Sounds like a great book. Congratulations!
Just read your query letter on the Guide to Literary Agents blog. Sounds like a great book. Congratulations!
Just read your query letter on the Guide to Literary Agents blog. Congratulations! It sounds like a great book.
Wish I could have been there, but that’d be quite a commute from CA.
To The Doctor, because when I read the line about the weeping angels I laughed quite loudly. I really like the new doctor and Ms Pond as well. I actually enjoy the angry edge he has but also kinda scared by it. He’s still obviously The Doctor but he’s also so new and great.
I’m a cat person, but from time to time I love dogs (and dog stories). And your book sounds great.
Good luck with the event. I’ve just read your query letter on Chuck’s blog. What a great letter. You’ve given me hope that I can now produce my own successful letter. Many thanks.
As a writer and a dog lover, I can’t wait to read your book. Thanks for supporting writers.
Christy Hayes
Your first book event? Pwn it, girl! Sharing the wealth with a query contest totally rocks. The Doctor says “pick Lisa” or the angels will weep. (New episode tonight!)
Allie – – I’m sure congrats doesn’t come close to the euphoria ride you’re on….but I’ll say it anyway. CONGRATS! I get to plink STAY to my Kindle and check you out. Super excited to find you because your rockstar agent splatted your query letter on guidetoliteraryagents.com. Fantastic job and keep up the GREAT work.
Thanks for being an inspiration.
Randayle Greyson
Unleasing Stories.
Congratulations Allie – on both the book and finding an agent! Stay sounds like a great story, good luck with it!
Congrats! Just read your original query letter that helped win you an agent on GuidetoLiteraryAgents.com.
I learned about your release on the successful Query Blog. Congratulations on your release of “Stay” I have a GSD named Tucker and he’s 120#. I try to include on of my pets in each of my novels. Best to you,
Victoria Roder
Congrats!!!! I hope the even went well and wish you continued success!!
~Shiela :)
I’ve been directed here from the contest on guide toliteraryagents.com – I came, I stayed (!) and I’ve bookmarked. Love your blog – can’t wait to read the book!
Came to your blog from the Successful Queries post on the Guide to Literary Agents blog. Congratulations and I’ll be looking for the book!
Thanks for allowing Rebecca and Chuck to share your successful query for “STAY.” I’ll repeat here what I posted in Chuck’s comments…If your booksigning venues allow vodka kool-aid, I’d go patriotic…RED=punch, WHITE=lemonade, BLUE- blue raspberry. Oh, and make a batch no-alcoholic, too! I hope “STAY” runs straight to the top of the lists!
Hi Allie,
Thanks so much for sending GLA your successful query. Writers like you are so, so helpful. Good luck. I’ll be reading Stay soon!
Sounds like a great book. Congrats on your release.
To be honest the dog cover threw me off — I’m a bit bored with the ‘learning about life by raising a dog’ stories, but I liked how there seems to be good deal more involved. Sounds like an interesting read.
Saw the link on GLA.
To be honest the dog cover threw me off — I’m a bit bored with the ‘learning about life by raising a dog’ stories, but I liked how there seems to be good deal more involved. Sounds like an interesting read.
Also, I saw this link on GLA.
I just read your query letter on the Guide to Literary Agents blog. Congratulations!
Chuck Sambuchino shared your successful query letter on his Guide to Literary Agents blog; it was a very solid letter and I’m interested in your book now. Congratulations on your success and I hope Friday night went well for you and that none of your fears were realized!
jenjdanna(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)gmail.com
I always enjoy the GLA “Queries that Worked” feature so was excited to read yours and then go to your blog. It’s so neat to hear other people’s success stories! It gives me hope for my project. Good luck and I hope it goes fabulously!
Wow! How exciting! Hope it went really well and that it’s the first of many to come. :)
Awesome query letter! Thank you for sharing. Seeing your success is really incredible. I’m very happy for you.
Awww, congrats Allie! I’m so excited that you’re beginning your journey as a writer and, in turn, going to your first book event! :) I’ll be following your blog and checking up on your writing adventures!
Again, congrats! I wish you complete success! ;)
Congratulations on your publication! Have a great time at your event. I’ll look for STAY in my local bookstore.
I’m about 50 pages from finishing (I almost brought it to work with me today :) I’ll be writing about it soon!
Dog lovers UNITE!
Congratulations on STAY!
It’s wonderful to benefit from reading your query letter on the Guide to Literary Agents blog.
You have a great sense of humor for sure. Though mine is a middle grade adventure, I’d love some help with my query letter also.
Much success to you and your four footer!
Found your blog after seeing the contest on GuidetoLiteraryAgents.com Glad to find another Dr. Who fan! “Blink” really is one of the scariest episodes out there–amazing how creepy something as simple statues can be!