This afternoon, I decided that I couldn’t just sit home and worry while I waited for a phone call that wasn’t even supposed to come for another couple of days, so I took Argo to the p-a-r-k for an h-i-k-e (both words need to be spelled around my pup). I was determined not to think about it, and just focus on having fun with my friend. I actually impressed myself with how much I was able to just let go and enjoy my surroundings. I live in my head a lot, and this was a victory for me.
We did some trail running, hung out by the creek for a bit and watched turtles swimming just under the water. Argo rolled around in the dirt and ate grass. We followed a deer trail, and only saw one other person the entire time we were there. It was only in the 60’s today, and so clear and sunny. The perfect day to be out hiking with my favorite hiking buddy.
When I got back to the car and into cell phone range again, I had a message from the vet. She said no cancer, just a cyst. I was sure I wouldn’t hear anything until at least Thursday or Friday, and so worried about what I would hear. I feel like I can take deep breaths again. And I’m so thankful that I didn’t have to wait any longer to find out that he’s okay.
Aww, yay.
Oh man…worst nightmare much? So glad the news was good!
I’m glad your doggie is okay!! Waiting to hear news like that is terrible, but I’m glad it turned out well!
Thanks for visiting my little ol’ blog! :-)
Thanks guys! I am so freaking relieved! And my dog is getting lots and lots of hugs.
I am so glad to hear he is okay. That must have been terribly frightening.
Yay! I’m so glad he’s okay! It’s so tough to have a sick pet.