Oh my gosh! I didn’t mean to disappear from my blog like that. Since I’ve made Tuesdays and Thursdays writing-only days, I’ve had a little trouble trying to cram the rest of the week into Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. But I am getting tons of writing done. Which is good, since I’m, you know, a writer and all. I am, however, a writer who does not have a single clean towel in the house at the moment.
Anyway, to get back into the swing of things, here’s a few more items for my 100 things list.
91. When I’m putting away dishes, glasses have to go in the cabinet upside down and mugs go in right side up. I don’t know why.
92. I sleep with four pillows. I know that’s ridiculous.
93. When I was a kid, I used to kiss frogs. Just in case.
94. My dream car is a 1970’s era Karmann Ghia, but since I never learned manual, I wouldn’t actually be able to drive it. Plus, the dogs wouldn’t fit.
I’ve never even heard of that kind of car!
My glasses go upside down, so do my mugs- it’s the way my mom did it, too. Something about any bugs not being able to get in…
I love the kissing frogs thing- that should be a back-story to one of your characters someday.
Well it’s certainly not too late to learn how to drive your dream car.
Courtney – Google it. It’s really cute!
Jen – That makes sense, really. :)
Mickey – I love how you have completely over-estimated my driving abilities. Thank you!