Wooftown Rescue used my donation to sponsor two dogs, Liza and Chandler. Both pups can now go to forever homes without an adoption fee!
If you live in Western New York and are thinking about adding a new dog to your family, please consider meeting Liza and Chandler to see if one of them might be the right dog for you.
Here’s some information on Chandler (could he BE any more adorable?):
Chandler is a young , neutered, French Mastiff (bordeaux)/Staffy mix. He came to us from a kill shelter where he was going to be euthanized. Chandler is a young dog, maybe only 1 or 2 years. He is dog selective and prefers dogs that are smaller than him and female. Although, we would prefer him in a no dog home. He loves cats and actually prefers them to dogs. He is potty trained, crate trained and does not chew. He loves everyone he meets and just wants to be loved on. He is a really nice boy that deserves a family of his own! Chandler will jump up so please no small children in his forever home!!!
Liza is a beautiful 2 year old Belgian Shepherd mix who has never met a person she didn’t love. We rescued Liza from being euthanized in shelter down South after she was seized from a bad living situation.
Liza is a very happy girl with lots of energy, lives to go for walks and to be with people. She is a great running partner and can run up to 4 miles a day! She plays with toys and gives lots of kisses. Her pictures don’t do her justice. She’s very camera shy. When she is out at the park people often comment on how beautiful she is!!!
But these dogs are in Western New York, and if you’re not, I’d still like to encourage you to consider your local pound or rescue as an adoption option. So I’ve asked the companies who make some of my all-time favorite dog products to help me put together a wonderful package of things your new rescue dog will need, in the hopes that this prize pack will make it a little easier to adopt a dog.
- Karma Necklace from Dogeared Jewels & Gifts (Julia Roberts wore one in Eat, Pray, Love)
- Sample variety pack of food from Newman’s Own Organics Dog Food
- On the Go Collection travel bowls and containers from Planet Dog
- Puppy Shampoo, Botanical Creme Rinse and Condition, and a Snoutstik from Opie & Dixie
- Westpaw Dog Toys from Good Things Green Things
- Gourmet Hand-Decorated Dog Treats from A Barker’s Dozen
- Hemp Martingale Reilley “Rescued Dog” Collar from Earth Dog
How to enter:
Leave a comment on this post, and tell me what your favorite dog name is (one comment per person, please).
For extra entries:
Blog or Tweet (#DogKarma) about a dog from your local pound or rescue who is in need of a home, and come back and leave the link to your tweet or blog post in the comments. Here’s a sample tweet.
Please only enter one link per day in comments for an extra entry, but feel free to post about rescue dogs with the #DogKarma hashtag as often as you’d like, because, of course, the goal is to raise awareness about adoptable rescue dogs!
Each day this week I’ll post with more information on the items in the prize pack and the generous companies sponsoring this project, and will give you more opportunities to enter with each post.
Good Luck!
My favorite dog name is obviously my own dog’s name, Rufus. I am a big fan of all “old man” names though.
My favorite dog names are LadyBug (my collie) and LaKoda (it was going to be her name). LaKoda means Loyal friend and I thought it was perfect for a dog. My dog has saved my life 4 times, a burglary, a fire, an attack from a guy, and a dog attack. Her secret name is LaKoda; Lady still fits her since she is a proper little lady.
I have Hendrix and Scout, after Jimi and the character from To Kill a MOckingbird (even though he’s male), but my next dog will be big and black and named Sirius. When I was a vet tech I heard lots of good names: TiVo, DeeOhGie, NotBob (parents kept asking the kids what to name him and they kept saying not Bob) are a few of my favorites
Since I have a house full of dogs, all rescues, it’s hard to pick a favorite. But I will go with Miracle. She is my 10 year old Sheltie, so named because it was a miracle she survived to be rescued, then she made it through heartworm treatment with flying colors. She has now made it successfully through two breast lump removal surgeries, the first malignant and the second benign. (Yes, dogs get breast cancer too.) She is the doggie version of Donna Summer~”I Will Survive!!”
Nalo is the name of my granddog, a rescue pit bull mix.
Nalo is the name of my granddog, a rescue pit bull mix. My heart dog’s name was Puffkin.
My granddog is Jack, which I have had a lot of fun with in the past year. Jumping Jack. Jack in the box. Hit the Road Jack. And many more…
My favorite dog name is Bogie. Bogie is a dog we rescued and is amazing and smart. Sensitive and a philosopher.
Favorite dog name? Sure, my little guy is Shadow but he also answers to Shadowman, Shadowmiester, Shadow-Schmadow and Hey Stinky! Check out our local puppy rescue on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/#!/redandterris
A dog name that I thought was suitable and unique for my Maltese is Guido. Guido thinks he is royalty and acts that way.
One of my favorite dog names is WiFi. I think it’s so unique!
I’ve always been partial to Sparky… we’re big ASU Sun Devil fans, what can I say!
I have a few favorites — 1st one is, Frankie- Bones!! (Yorkie) he actually picked me, he dropped his bone right in front of my feet and tried to scratch my leg for attention..when he was 6 months old. I think to tell me please take me home..!! and that i did. I have a dad named Frank and a brother name Frank Jr. ..so this is why I named my Yorkie Frankie- Bones since this was a great way to keep such a special name going in the family. ;)
2nd – Ashley — she is my rescue Yorkie, so sweet!! She is a sweetheart!! I did not name her, i probably would of named her Ashley maybe because she looks like an Ashley so pretty. When i first seen her , she was very small and her mane silky and long and parts of it had an “ash” color in it.
She was timid, scared, sad, very depressed most of the time. She often would have tears rolling down her face. When i got her I held her every day and night and sung to her.. How she came into my life was .. I had a friend that told me about her that her previous owner would often put her in a pet cage most of the time. Maybe this is the reason also she has Luxating Patella. She had one litter of pups , and soon took them away and put her in a animal hospital soon after and had her spayed and left her ( long story) A friend of mine found out and got her and told me, and this.. is how i rescued my beautiful Ashley. I brought her back to life and gave her unconditional love ..trust. TODAY? you could not tell she was what i mentioned above..She is so much healthier and beautiful that I am so Grateful and Thankful, Ashley came into my life.
I could never pick one or even just a few of my favourite names. I’ve met so many dogs (and had so many of them), and they’re all uniquely beautiful. Even names I really don’t like, such as my one dog’s name, BB, I come to love because it’s her and she means the world to me. I’ve had Sam, Willy, Riker, Sadie, Kira, Adam, Vixie, Buster, Nala, Amara, BB, and Bonsai. I love them all, so I love their names too. And then there have been so many more dogs that I’ve known that I cared deeply for too.
I can’t pick one name as I loved the names of all the dogs I had and have. There was Spooky and then Augie (Augie Doggie), Samantha, and Toby. Now there is Petey and Jake. All the dogs seem to fit their names. Petey was a street dog but now he is the sweetest boy but stubborn and Jake, well, Jake is Jake. We drove 7 hours each way to adopt him. He is a gorgeous German Shepherd who is a silly but loving boy.
Without naming my own dog’s name as my favourite (Daphne), I’ll go with Tanner as my favourite dog name. He’s my mom’s old lab and I grew up with him through high school. Sadly, he has cancer and is going to a better place today.
What a Debbie Downer I am …
My favorite movie dog is Benji. He was just a mutt, but he was so smart and loveable.
allisonmoyer (at) yahoo (dot) com
BTW, one of my dogs is a rescue. Her name is Faith and I love her dearly.
My Favorite dog name is Scootie. I adopted Scootie 2 years ago. She is a 9 year old special-needs Doxie. She has wheels for her walks. She is the most amazing dog I have ever met. She doesn’t even know that she is handicapped. She does whatever the other dogs do :) She was going to be “put down” if nobody adopted her. I fell in love at first sight & found out after I adopted her that we have the same birthday, September 15th. It was meant to be!
I love names that show their heritage. My border collie’s name is Tavish which is the Scottish version of Thomas. His name was Timmy at the shelter so it was easy to transition to Tavish or Tavi.
My favorite dog name is Adonis. It’s what I wanted to name my American Bulldog. He’s a very girly male dog. But, my little sister named him Chance.. because he looks just like Chance from homeward bound.
My dogs have been named various things for various reasons. My faves are Jagr, the dobe I lost from bloat at 7.5, named for the hockey player, and Chaser, my service dog, who chases my problems away.
Hi. I have 2 beautiful rescues named Madison Kelly and Carly Eileen. I’ve always wanted 2 girls with that name. (And yes they do have middle names :)) I’ve always wanted children and if I did thoes were the name I had choosen. I am blessed to have the next best thing!
My favorite dog names are my dog’s names: GloryB and Z!! GloryB is aptly named; she was found at the local dump, had had a litter of pups, none there, she was all beaten up, and weighed 34#. My friend found her and called me to see if Z, my big black lab needed a sister. We went to visit GloryB and Z laid down in floor for her to crawl all over himn. She went home with us!! Z is short for his pedigree name, Nestles Black Beauty, and he was my bro’s duck hunting dog till I babysat him and ruined him for hunting. My bro gave him to me for Xmas that year.He is now 13 and I almost lost him to arthritis 6 months ago, but vet gave him 6 epidurals and I give him an arthritis shot weekly, and he’s like a puppy again; God wasn’t ready for him. I also have 2 big boy cats, named Feisty, and James Dean, after the actor. My kitten is named Amethyst because she is a soft gray, almost lilac gray with some white streaks on legs and body, and her little mouth is surrounded by white and so are her eyes! She’s an angel!
It’s hard to have a favorite dog name ’cause it’s definitely got to suit the dog’s individual personality. We have a 4 year old chihuahua/min-pin cross named Cooper and a schnauzer/poodle cross named Brilla. (so named because my husband kept calling her Brillo – like the steel wool cleaning pad, cause she’s got gray wiry fur). Brilla should have been named Panda because she’s got a face that looks like a panda’s, with black around her eyes and on her ears. I like when dogs are named for features or a personality that’s uniquely their own.
My Greyhound’s name is my favorite dog name.I adopted Darius from a greyhound rescue. He was a gentle and loving part of our family for 8 years. Now I donate supplies to our local shelter hoping what I give will mean more dogs and cats will have a better chance at getting a home.
My favorite name is my West Highland White Terrier a rescue. Duncan McCloud. A nod to the Highlander. As for rescues I am an independent so my favorite organized rescue would be Westie Rescue of MO. Great bunch of folks who have helped me find homes for Westies in need.
My favorite rescue is Westie Rescue of MO. And my favorite name for a rescued Westie is Duncan McCloud with a nod to the Highlander movie and TV series.
I’ll say the odder the better. My very first dog’s name was I am not kidding, Sexy. She was a queen bee Pomeranian and earned the name Sassy Sexy. Sure people gave me weird looks but hey it’s not like anyone would confuse her with another dog. Also japanese names are adorable. My corgi’s name is Mayu which means Gentle truth In this House? Little demon couch hunter
My favorite dog name is that of my 13 1/2 year old pittie who I rescued when she was 10 months, Baby Bop
My favorite dog names are my dogs’ names of course! I can’t pick just one, since they’re both such fun names..
Toboe – Toby for short
(Aussie/Chow) came from the Humane Society. He was named after a wolf character in an anime that had a very similar personality.
Nuka-Cola – Nuka for short
(Black lab) came from the high kill shelter an hour away from us, and is named after a soft drink in a video game. We went there specifically to save a dog from euthanasia. She was in a run with two other black lab mixes, and I didn’t even see her until my third trip around because she was so lethargic and depressed and was sleeping behind the other two dogs. We had to resort to clapping our hands, dancing, and snapping our fingers just to get her to sit up so we could write down her number!
Great to hear a new book is in the works! Awhile back you kindly autographed a copy of STAY to “Elwood Blues” a then 9 month old CBR in the care of rescue group CBRRR,Inc. That book kick started a successful on -line auction to raise money for the repair of Elwood’s knees. last weekend El passed the canine good citizen class! Because he represents the breed and rescue dogs so well I offer up the name “Elwood Blues” as my favorite!
I have so many that are my favorite names because they belong/belonged to my awesome rescued dogs.
Nubbin was a black and white Lab/Border Collie/Terrier mix who was so smart that my husband and I used to say that we would be in trouble if she had thumbs. She had a nub for a tail. She had been thrown out of a moving car when she was about five weeks old. She had Demodex down to her shoulders so her nickname then was The Turkey Vulture. Sadly, we lost Nubbin to cancer last October.
Honey is our border collie/husky mix we adopted from the shelter. She is so sweet and loving! We usually call her Dewhead and say that her head is full of silliness and love.
These dogs came from our local animal control when I worked there as a student intern ten years ago. They were not going up for adoption.
Godiva is our rescued chocolate Lab/beagle mix. She thanked me for adopting her by having 13 babies the next day. The last puppy was stillborn. She had also been shot and had heartworms which we successfully treated. She is a silly sweet old girl now.
Bella is a yellow lab/chow mix that had been shot in the side. She is so silly and loves to jump up and piroutte. She smiles at us, too!
Sunshine Rae is a yellow lab mix. She came in with four puppies who were fat and healthy while she was so skinny. She had been shot also and also had heartworms that we successfully treated. She is such a sweet lady!
Lumpy is my precious Bulldog. He was about six months old and was almost naked from Demodex and skin infections along with bilateral cherry eyes. It took me a year to get him healthy. The vets think he was used as a bait dog. :( Lumpy is a definite Mama’s boy! He loves his Daddy but he is my velcro son!
Essie Mae was an American Pit Bull Terrier who had been horribly abused. Someone had hacked her ears off with scissors and then left her tied to the steering wheel of an abandoned car in July. She was only about four months old. We named her S.E. for Seal Ears shich she looked like she had but it morphed into Essie Mae.
She bravely fought lymphoma for 18 months and we had to help her to the Bridge last August.
These next dogs are all rescues but did not come from my local animal control.
Lulu was found on the side of the road on New Year’s Day. She had been hit by a car, was skinny and pregnant and had heartworms. She ended up having to have one of her front legs amputated. She was successfully treated for heartworms. She is a sweet girl and you would never know she only has three legs as she runs and digs still.
Bozz was an owner surrender (I am a volunteer for a Bulldog rescue). He was so skinny, had heartworms, and needed to be neutered. His trachea is so small that I could not send him to my organization as it was too hot. He ended up becoming a foster failure. He had a stroke(?) in January and is now blind in his right eye. He is so cute and funny! He loves his duck woobie!
Annie Mae came from the kill shelter in Miami-Dade. She was a little black puppy who looked like Nubbin and was going to be killed. We got her pulled and transported to us. She is so funny and silly! She is also our Shadow.
Pretty is a Pt Bull puppy that came from Miami-Dade. She had horrible Demodex and was almost naked. She looks so good now and is so full of energy! She loves people and animals. She is a foster and when we finish obedience training with her she will be able to find her forever home.
Brees is a Bulldog that I pulled from my local shelter. He had been left outside and had hardly any fur from fleas. He had to have bilateral entropion surgery, soft palate surgery twice and a neuter. He had been horribly abused by a man. He loved me right away but took three days to get used to my husband. He also has barrier aggression with everyone except for me. He is a foster failure because he would be a difficult placement and I adore him and he adores me.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!
My favorite dog name is Buck. I named my first lab after the main character in the book “Call of the Wild” by Jack London. One of my all time favorite books :-). Of course, my husband swears I took the name from the HBO series “Band of Brothers.” He has no clue! Buck is just a cool name for a dog.
Tweeted about Lenny who is in a kill shelter. :(
I’m sort of biased to say “Lily.” But her name was actually an accident. When I was adopting her, I was sitting on the floor at a PetSmart in Buffalo filling out paperwork and came to “name.” I figured I couldn’t adopt her if she didn’t have a name, that I had to fill it all out, and I panicked. I overheard two of the volunteer girls talking about their cats, and one was named Lily–so Lily she is! Now I can’t think of any other name than that for her, while she isn’t a delicate flower she certainly is pretty.
My favorite dog names are Kouga (he is our adopted rescue dog), and Milele who I got from a friend. I volunteer with a local rescue group so I would donate my prize to them.
9/30 Tweet http://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/119970474485760000
My dog’s name is “Bubba”! He’s a mix breed or what we call here in Hawaii, Poi dog! Bubba is part hound and part ridgeback. He’s huge but very loving and fun! He loves to pull my son, nephews and neices on the skateboard!
10/1 tweet http://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/120342708949749760
My favorite dog names are of course names we have had for dogs, Ginger our gold cocker spaniel who was taken out of an abusive home and given to us, Sam who came from Lollyop Farm as a pup and was one of the most amazing dogs ever, and Cobaka, by far the most difficult dog name to pronounce and spell (it means “dog” in Russian and is pronounced Sabacca) We call him Bacca or Chewbacca or Chewy or Big League Chew or Baccster or Mr. Puppy! He’s a great big german shepherd with a heart of gold! And you know what, all dog names are perfect for the dog that comes when he is called!!!!!
http://twitter.com/#!/lezlarina/status/120570117670182912 Skippy, Chi Mix. Bay Area. Loves to run!
10/2 tweet http://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/120617004012015617
Kylie is my dogs name but I still do love Jimmy’s name too! :)
10/3 tweet http://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/121001157425508352