Issue 3 of Slice Magazine is out with a reprint of my Bathtub Mary story. I got my copy in the mail, stared at it for about an hour and then called my husband and got all weepy when I told him about it. The issue is fantastic. Great stories, and a fascinating interview with Salman Rushdie. I’m going to a junior high English class on Friday to talk about the story (they’ve been studying it this week).
Neil was in town two weekends ago for a seminar and came up a day early so we could hang out. He and J had never met, and it was just so cool to get to hang out with my old college buddy and my husband. We made pizza on Friday night, drank some wine, looked at my scrapbook from college, and talked about everything from TED videos to the trials of tribulations of being a drama major. I wanted to write a post about this and talk about the turns in the road, the people we lose (or have to cut loose) along the way, and the blessing that is the people we get to keep and grow up with, but I’ve been a little stuck in my head lately, and getting sort of nostalgic and sappy. I think it’s best to keep the sap content low around here, so I’ll just tell you this: Neil is freaking awesome, and you should totally check out his Cambodia project if you haven’t already. Also, he draws incredible cartoons.
My friend M was in town the night before I left for Ohio. For some reason, disasters always try to keep M & I from getting together. This time, it was a flat tire (mine, and I had to hit the road at 6AM), but M came over and hung out with me while it was being taken care of. Another time, we ended up in the animal emergency room with the cat (back when she had four legs). Okay, I guess we’ve only had two disasters, so that’s not always, that’s just twice. Anyway, it was great to see M, even if it was just a short visit. And she offered to read through some pages for me, which is a total bonus, because M has a gift for editing.
My writing group is starting up again tonight after taking a little break for the end of the summer. I’m super thrilled, because I work best with deadlines, crave feedback like it’s soggy, be-sprinkled box cake, and get to listen fantastic writers read their work. Writing group is one of the great great joys in my life, and I always feel like something is missing when we break.
I’m toying with the idea of taking a day trip to the town where my main character has taken up temporary residence. Probably in November, because that’s when that part of the story takes place, and I think that November in this part of the world has a feel to it that magnifies certain things. I could certainly write these pages without taking the trip, but it’s a little luxury I am willing to afford myself. It’s not a long drive, and it’s possibly an excuse to stop in and have tea with an old friend.
What’s new with you?
Funny you should mention getting back into the swing of the writing group! I’m just trying to force myself into writing more creatively again. Blogging is a great routine but I used to spend time putting a hell of a lot more effort into my creative work. Maybe that’s something to keep us busy in the winter months :)
What’s new with me? My daughter brought me a worksheet for making a life mission statement. I’ve looked at it and realized,’Wow, that’s a lot harder than I thought it would be.” And, I’m knitting a few things. I think knitting and designing is like writing. Seasons of high and low, writer’s block/design block.
I wanted to say about your last post that those are the only sprinkles worth eating.