This morning, I walked 158 (Stella is 10lbs lighter than we thought she was) pounds of dog. By myself.
How, you may ask, can 140 pounds of me, walk 158 pounds of them, especially when dogs are twice as strong per pound?
That is all.
Way to show ’em who’s boss! What’s that called…Alpha Dog? LOL!
Sorry. I’m very excited.
I’ll never be a pack leader. Dogs can sense fear and I fear dogs.
That’s because you rock!
Was it a good walk? Did your neighbors say “Oh look, there goes Superwoman?”
Way to go!
I think no matter what, Lucydog will still be boss. Something about her eyes.
Ever tried walking a horse? LOL!
Inspirational! I’m on my way now to walk my friend’s dog.
JMS – Thanks! Alpha Dog. I like it.
Courtney – I appreciate your enthusiasm.
Mickey – You should meet Argo. People who were bit by dogs as kids have no fear of Argo. He’s huge and wolfy, but ever so kind. He’d get you over your fear. Stella, however, would bark at you.
HH- My neighbors were probably muttering – there’s that lady who doesn’t mow her lawn in perfectly straight lines.
MG – Thanks! Lucydog seems like she’s a good boss, at least!
Wendy – I can’t imagine how hard it must be to walk a horse!
Noelle – Hope the walk went well!